Twine Rope Processing Phase. All of the staffs are working in following phase very carefully to produce thin and slim rope. They’re working through maintaining social distancing. Instructors and supervisors are always instructing to produce very high-quality materials for final production.

This industry takes care of the safety of products that come out of it. Dyestuff’s, Chemicals & Trims used in the industry are purchased from reputed suppliers only. This industry has around 5000 skilled workers. Women comprise 40% of them. 50% of the Employees are over 30 years of age, 35% age between 22 and 30, and the rest 25% are of the 18-22 age groups. The industry does not employ any one below 18 years of age. All national and local laws governing wages, benefits and working hours are adhered to by the industry and besides this industry maintain all labor laws, environment law & customs law etc. Every employee is treated with respect and dignity. No employee is subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.

Our transaction procedures are very easy and we’re doing business following international standards. After receiving the order our own Quality Controller always, attend to supervise & maintain the quality. On the other hand, we’re very restricted about quality and we find out if have any fault on any item. We’re using eco-friendly colors for every item and we can produce items based on color and quality requirements. Finally, we inform the Buyer’s delegate to check the pre- shipment quality.

Our final goal is to serve the people of the world to stop gradually all the Synthetic / Plastic / Polyethylene goods and items from their personal, official, familiar, social lifestyle by replacing our Jute goods and also in the field of gardening, cultivation, factory buildup, roads and highway buildup also in all civil works in favor to save our World from synthetic pollution and make an eco-friendly neighboring.