Every year, Bangladesh export jute goods in various countries and earn an amount that contributes to GDP significantly. In Table 1, the amount of export in lakh MT, and export value in crore Tk. are shown. The export amount is an increasing trend from 2005-06, and sometimes it fluctuates. In the fiscal year 2005-06, the export amount is 4.95 lakh MT which had a value equal to 2024.10 crores Taka. In the year 2012-13, it had increased to the amount 8.68 lakh MT having of the value of 6162.62 crores Taka. After that, in the year 2013-14, it had slightly decreased to 8.08 lakh MT which had a value amounting 5224.21 crores Taka. In the fiscal year of 2018-19, the amount of export of jute goods was 7.30, and the value of the jute products exported was 5220.85 crore, Taka.

Year Export (in Lakh MT) Export Value (in Core Taka)
2005-06 4.95 2024.10
2006-07 4.71 2215.30
2007-08 5.34 2526.70
2008-09 4.82 2050.00
2009-10 5.77 3963.54
2010-11 4.79 4569.42
2011-12 6.69 5174.00
2012-13 8.68 6162.62
2013-14 8.08 5224.21
2014-15 8.18 5224.21
2014-15 8.18 5602.16
2015-16 8.25 6240.00
2016-17 8.04 6430.60
2017-18 8.27 6801.57
2018-19 7.30 5220.85